Nowdays, the world is becoming more small and internatioalized. So
English plays an important role in the fields of politics, economics,
trade, commerce, sightseeing, study abroad and other activities. While
reading this article I thought Elliot Patton is too focus on American
English. Englis is using not only in English-speaking countries but in
many other countries. It is a common language also in Asian. Asian
countries are making an effort to improve nation-centred English
education. Many Asian people are using English as an additional
language. Asian English has various regional gradations which are not
the same as for British or American English. I think people are
speaking English affected by the culture of their mother tongues. So
there are many Englishes, so called variations of English 'World
Englishes'. Few years ago I heard about Globish. Globish focus on
communication . We have to respect each country's culture itself in
globalized world.
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