2012년 5월 10일 목요일

Reading media texts

This video clip is an advertisemet for pre- cooked rice. There are 4 people who are dad, mom, daughter, and son.  Dad, daugher and son are playing  and having fun in the snow. And mom is watching them through the window. It seems that  they are very happy family in snow day. But  when I watched  the video clip  with wowan's side why they are not playing together. Why just with dad? Why mom is looking them at home? This  advertisemet  discribe women very passive. When her husband and her kids said to come and enjoy together, she hesitate to join them.  Because she have to prepare  meal for her family. Her kids said "Don't worry for that. Let's eat Hatban" But she still look uncomfortable for that. It means that women feel sorry when they don't serve meal by her selfe. Through this commercial people can have prejudice only woman have to prepare for her family or take it in the fact. For old generation women  it seems quite true, but for young generation women it looks so  unfair. Because these days genders's roles are having changed. But there are still  premodern of thinking in Korea like this commercial. 

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